Community sanctions clients

In 2017, women accounted for about 11 per cent of the community sanction clients. Their share has risen by over three percentage points over the past ten years. Women formed 14 per cent of community service clients, 10 per cent of monitoring sentence clients, 13 per cent of the supervised conditionally sentenced young offenders, and 8 per cent of the supervised parolees.

The share of young offenders under the age of 21 among all community service clients has fallen in the past decade. In 2008, about 21 per cent of the community sanction clients were under 21 years old but, in 2017, they accounted for 18 per cent.

Unemployment among community sanction clients has remained high, with more than half of all clients on average being out of work. The share of unemployed parolees under supervision dropped by 13 percentage points during the past decade and was 54 per cent in 2017. The employed accounted for about one quarter of community service clients, monitoring sentence clients and supervised parolees, and 12 per cent of conditionally sentenced young offenders ordered to supervision. Over a quarter of the conditionally sentenced young offenders ordered to supervision were students.

Foreign nationals made up only a minor share of all community sanction clients. All in all, about 170, i.e., 6 per cent of the clients were other than Finnish nationals. The biggest groups of foreign clients were Estonians, Russians and Iraqis who together formed 45 per cent of all the foreign nationals.

The figure is taken from the Statistical Yearbook of the Criminal Sanctions Agency. The link to the online version is at the bottom of this page.

Figure: Age distribution of community sanctions clients (%) on 1 May 2008 - 2017

Published 11.7.2019