Probation Offices

The Prison and Pro­ba­tion Ser­vice of Fin­land is a na­tion­wide gov­ern­ment agency, which has eleven regional Prison and Probation Centres, which consist of twelve probation offices.

The duty of the probation offices is to enforce community sanctions. Some community sanctions offices also prepare reports and enforcement plans related to the sanctions for the purpose of the court proceedings.

Assistant supervisors can be used in the supervision of conditionally sentenced young offenders and in the supervision of parolees when it is justified due to, for example, long distances. The probation offices offices are responsible for finding the assistant supervisors as well as for their training and guidance.

Many community sanctions offices arrange motivating discussion series and/or cognitive behavioural programmes as part of the enforcement of community sanctions. Their goal is to support the clients’ social coping and effort to live without crime.

Supervision patrols

The supervision patrols work in all around Finland. An instructor working in a supervision patrol supports and supervises those criminal sanctions clients, who serve their sentence in freedom.

The aim of the patrols is to improve or maintain with the help of supervision and support the criminal sanctions clients’ abilities to live without crime. The patrols support the clients to serve their sentence in full and ensure that the clients are in a predetermined place at a predetermined time and not under the influence of intoxicating substances.

Published 20.1.2023